ශ්‍රී ලංකා රබර් පර්යේෂණායතනය

වැවිලි සහ ප්‍රජා යටිතල පහසුකම් අමාත්‍යාංශය

The Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka has taken a significant step by extending its services to non-traditional areas.

A mini latex testing laboratory was established at the RRISL Monaragala sub-station as requested by rubber farmers in the Monaragala and Ampara areas, with funds provided by the Ministry of Agriculture & Plantation Industries (MAPI). Minister, Hon. Mr Mahinda Amaraweera graced the event and declared the laboratory open. The chairman of the Rubber Research Board, Mr. Sarath Chandrasiri Vithana, the director of the RRISL, Dr. Susantha Siriwardena, and official invitees from MAPI, the Rubber Development Department, and regional planters in the Monaragala area participated in the event.

වැඩිදුර තොරතුරු සඳහා

  • Call 1919


  • ශ්‍රී ලංකා රබර් පර්යේෂණායතනය
  • ඩාර්ටන්ෆීල්ඩ්, අගලවත්ත. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427
  • dirrri[at]sltnet.lk