Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Plantation and Community Infrastructure

Raw Rubber Process Development & Chemical Engineering Department

The main function of the department is to carry out research and development on raw rubber processing for the betterment and sustainability of the industry while protecting the environment. The department provides advice on troubleshooting, process development and quality improvement in the raw rubber processing industry. This department is also responsible for assisting the raw rubber industry in human resource development and human safety.

Providing technical know-how and all other assistance in the management of wastewater generated in raw rubber processing and rubber product manufacturing industries is also a major function of the department. The qualified, experienced, dedicated and friendly staff who promptly attends to all the services offered by the department is the major asset.


Research Officer




  • Nitrosamine free and user friendly preservative system for Concentrated latex
  • Manufacture of the value-added grade of raw rubber and compounded latex witth improved shelf-life
  • Development of reinforced carbon nanotube incorporated cellular natural rubber compounds
  • Assessment of efficiency of present anaerobic-aerobic rubber effluent treatment system and its modification to suit to smallholder sector
  • Suitability of Disposal of treated rubber effluent water for irrigation purposes
  • Evaluation of structural, rheological and mechanical properties of ternary composites of filled thermoplastics (TP) and Skim Natural Rubber (SNR) blends: a novel route for value addition to skim natural rubber
  • A skim rubber/Natural rubber blend system was developed for value-added applications for skim natural rubber
  • Development of solar-biomass hybrid dryers for drying of sheet rubber produced in small scale and medium sector in Sri Lanka- S.Siriwardena, Y.C.Y Sudusingha (2017-2018). This project was funded by Sri Lanka Climate Fund (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Developing two technologies to convert NR latex sludge a waste generated in the natural rubber latex centrifuging factories
    1. to inorganic functional filler for NR compounds
    2. to a form of crepe rubber
  • Development of a mobille application for Sri Lankan rubber industry- Y.C.Y Sudusingha, S. Siriwardena
  • Design of a small scale simple coagulation tank (SS coagulation tank) for small and medium scale rubber sheet producers with in-built quality control features to improve the quality of their product.-S.Siriwardena, A.K.D Warnajith (2014-2019)
  • Introduction of a new protocol for reuse of processing water during the milling process of crepe rubber manufacture- S.Siriwardena, Y.C.Y Sudusingha, V.C Rohandeepa, A.K.D Warnajith, R.D Illerperuma, P.N.N.S Nalika (2017-2019)
  • Development of novel high performance lighter weight prosthetic foot based on hybrid nanomaterial filled natural rubber compound.-U.N Ratnayake, D.G Edirisinghe,Sampath Wickrmage (2013-2015)

    The project funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) was carried out in collaboration with Army Rehabilitation Center, Ranaviru Sevana

  • Development of natural rubber latex/layered silicate nanocomposites-Ananada Amarasiri, U.N Ratnayake, S. Walpola (2013-2014) Natural rubber latex –clay nanocomposite was developed with an aqueous dispersion of montmorillonite clay as an alternative for conventional NR latex-CaCO3 composite for latex dipped products.
  • A single day smoke drying system for drying sheet rubber –Susantha Siriwardena (2009-2010)

    It was developed to dry sheet rubber in a single day reducing conventional drying period by 60-80 % and saving firewood consumption by 30 % while reducing space requirement by 80% and improving quality of sheets

  • Effluent treatment technology-Gamini Seneviratne, U N Ratnayake, Susantha Siriwardane

    This project has developed and introduced a cost-effective effluent treatment system for the treatment of wastewater generated from raw rubber processing factories

  • Development of hybrid dryer for drying of natural rubber universal rubber dryer-S.Siriwardena (2010-2013)

    This project has developed a single drying system for drying of both crepe rubber and sheet rubber


The department provides testing & troubleshooting services to its stakeholders on raw rubber processing and wastewater treatment technology and also conducts tailor-made training programs for the managers, field & factory staff to strengthen their skills and knowledge.


Analytical Services Available
  1. Analytical Service for industrial waste water (industrial effluents):

    Waste water testing laboratory is listed by the Central Environment Authority of Sri Lanka

  2. Analysis of raw rubber, rubber processing water & chemicals for their metal iron concentrations using Atomic absorption spectrophotometer ( AAS)
  3. Analysis of ZnO strength as per the ASTM test method
  4. Processabiliy of raw rubber and rubber compounds: Mooney viscosity and Mooney stress relaxation
  5. Analysis of extractable proteins of rubber: Modified Lowery Method
  6. Tank Calibration


  • A New Protocol was introduced for reuse of processing water during milling process of crepe Rubber
  • Developing two technologies to convert NR latex sludge a waste generated in the natural rubber latex centrifuging factories ;
    1. to inorganic functional filler for NR compounds
    2. to a form of crepe rubber
  • Small scale simple coagulation tanks (SS coagulation tank) were introduced for small and medium scale rubber sheet producers
  • A single day smoke drying unit (SS drying unit) was developed for smoke drying of sheet rubber, reducing drying period to one day from 4-5 days and reducing space requirement by 80%. 
  • Smoking at 600C is recommended for drying of sheet rubber in a modified drying chamber (SS drying unit) with minimum interruption to achieve complete dryness within a single day
  • Standards for total iron content in processing water used in the manufacture of crepe rubber is proposed to revise as 5 ppm which has been increased from the current level of 1 ppm

Conducting tailor-made training programs for the managers, field staff & factory staff to address Metrolac related issues, safe chemical handling, centrifuged latex & dry rubber manufacture, RSS grading, drying etc. ( Charges: nominal charges depending on the duration of the training session )

  1. Sudusingha Y.C.Y, R. D Illeperuma, A. K. D. W Prasad, S. Siriwardena, A New Protocol for Reuse of Processing Water during Milling Process of Crepe Rubber”,

    Proceedings of “The 7th Seventh Symposium on Plantation Crop Research”, Marino Beach Hotel, Colombo Sri Lanka, 2019

  2. De Zoysa D.M.D.A, Sudusinghe Y.C.Y, Senevirathne A.M.W., Siriwadena S, Wijesinghe H.G.I.M, "A novel Method to Manufacture Skim Crepe Rubber with Low Nitrogen Content Using Pineapple Juice Treated Skim Latex”,

    Proceedings of “ 3rd International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University”, Sri Lanka. 2019

  3. Sudusingha Y.C.Y, R. D Illeperuma, A. K. D. W Prasad, S. Siriwardena, “A Case Study on Feasibility of Reutilization of Processing Water Generated at a Pale Crepe Rubber Factory in Sri Lanka”

    Proceedings of “SLCARP International Agricultural Research Symposium, Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2018

  4. Sudusingha Y.C.Y., Siriwardena S., Adhikari A.M.K.S.P, Illeperuma R. D., “Study of DMA Properties of Different Types of Natural Rubber Composites”

    Proceedings of “3rd Biennial International Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, 2017

  5. Illeperuma R. D., Sudusingha Y.C.Y., Siriwardena S., “Cure Characteristics and Physico-  Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber Filled with Used Tea Waste”

    Proceedings of “3rd Biennial International Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura  Nugegoda, Sri Lanka,2017

  6. Adhikari A.M.K.S.P, Sudusingha Y.C.Y, “Correlation between Brookfield viscosity and dry rubber content in natural rubber latex; RRISL 121 Clone”

    Proceedings of “3rd Biennial International Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, 2017

  1. U N Ratnayake, D E Prematunga, C Peiris, V Karunaratne, Gihan A J Amaratunga. (2015) “Effect of polyethylene glycol intercalated organoclay on vulcanization characteristics and reinforcement of natural rubber nanocomposites” publish in Journal of Elastomer and Plastics
  2. S. Rathnayake, P. Dharmathilaka, A. K. D. Warnajith and Siriwardena, S., Raw rubber and curing properties of smoked sheet rubber made out of ammonia preserved natural rubber latex , Proceeding of SLCARP international conference, SLCARP, Colombo, 2014
  3.  A  Amarasiri, U N Ratnayake, U K De Silva, S Walpolage, S Siriwardene (2013) “Natural Rubber Latex-Clay Nanocomposite: use of montmorillonite clay as an alternative for conventional CaCO3” Journal of National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 41 (4).
  4. Kumarasinghe, L Samaranayake, F Bondino, E Magnano, N Kottegoda, E  Carlino, U N Ratnayake, A Alwis, V Karunaratne, G Amaratunge. (2013)  “Self-Assembled Multilayer Graphene Oxide Membrane and Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized Using a Rare Form of Graphite" Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (18) pp 9507-9507.
  5. S  Siriwardena, A Attanayake, P H Sarath Kumara, N Karunathilake, H V K Gamage, M M A B Munasinghe. (2012). Raw rubber properties of crepe rubber manufactured from preserved natural rubber latex using different combinations of preservatives. Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka 92, 32-43, 2012 .
  6. M. P. Dhanushika, B. M.S. G. Banneheka, Keminda Herath, and Siriwardena, S. “Use of Statistical software to construct I-MR control charts for non normal data”,  Proceedings of ITRU Research Symposium, 21st November, 2012, University of Moratuwa.     
  7. B. Haworth, U N Ratnayake(2011), “Co-intercalation in PP-clay nanocomposites: Effect of    short chain-additives on rheological properties” International Polymer Processing, XXVI
  8. U N Ratnayake, P H Sarath Kumara, T A S Siriwardena, A K D W Prasad, V C Rohanadeepa (2010) “ Effect of iron in processing water on quality of crepe rubber” Journal of Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, 91, (2011).
  9. S Siriwardena. P H Sarath Kumara, U M S Priyanka (2011), “ The performance of an accelerated drying system for drying of skim natural rubber laces. Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka 91, 74-86.
  10. U N Ratnayake, “Application of nanotechnology to upgrade Sri Lankan rubber industry” Journal of the National Institute of Plantation Management, 25 (2), (2011).
  11. S. L. S. RasHida, Siriwadena, S. C. Rohanadeepa, A. K. D. Warnajith, and A. Nugawela, “Development of new manufacturing process of crepe rubber for smallholder sector”, Research symposium of Wayaba University 2011     
  12. U N Ratnayake, A K D W Prasad, W D R Wijesinge, “Viscoelastic behaviour and reinforcement of montmorillonite clay filled natural rubber latex nano-crepe rubber” International Rubber Research Development Board (IRRDB) conference – 2014, 21 – 23 November, Manila, Philippines.
  13. U N Ratnayake, G M C Alwis, N Kottegoda, “Vulcanization characteristics and reinforcement of quaternary alkyl ammonium modified clay filled natural rubber nanocomposites” International Rubber Conference (IRC) - 2014, 16 – 18 Sept. Beijing International Convention Centre, China.
  14. G M C Alwis, U N Ratnayake, N Kottegoda, “Effect of nanoclay on reinforcement of natural rubber nanocomposite” Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium- 7th Feb 2014, pp 8-11
  15. W D R Wijesinghe and U N Ratnayake, “Value addition to waste acrylonitrile butadiene rubber through nanotechnology applications” Proceedings of the Young Scientist Forum Symposium- 7th Feb 2014, pp 201-2
  16. D.M.M.D. Jayasingha, N.S Withanage, U N Ratnayake “Reinforcing Effect of Organically Modified Montmorillonite Clay in Skim Rubber Nanocomposites” Research Symposium Dec. 12-13, 2013,  UvaWellassa University. "Value Addition Towards Economic Growth & Prosperity”, pp 20-22
  17. A.C.C. Jayasinghe, R.M.S.D. Rathnayaka, U N Ratnayake “Effect of Storage Conditions on Viscoelastic Properties of Crepe Rubber” Research Symposium Dec. 12-13, 2013,  UvaWellassa University. "Value Addition Towards Economic Growth & Prosperity”, pp 16-19
  18. J Ketiperachchi, U N Ratnayake, “NaturalRubber/Clay Nanocomposites: Effect of Organic Modifier of Clay on Cure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties” International Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology 2012, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

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  • Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
  • Dartonfield, Agalawatta. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427