Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Plantation and Community Infrastructure

Advisory Services Department

Advisory Services Department (ASD) aims to increase the productivity of rubber smallholders & enhance their income levels and social status by inducing voluntary change among them.  Transfer of technology in multiple directions for sustainable rubber production, marketing, mobilizing and organizing farmer groups, building human resources and enhancing local capacity of rubber smallholders in the country are among the key activities of the department. Extension & Advisory programmes are carried out under 4 thrust areas to improve the adoption rates of recommended technologies to enhance the productivity & profitability of the rubber small holder sector.


Head of the Department


Regional Advisory Officer

Mr. P K K S Gunaratne BSc.
Kalutara/Galle-Matara/ Colombo-Gampaha District

In Traditional areas

  • Conducted awareness programmes on aspects of general rubber cultivation, maintenance and processing for 2117 of rubber farmers.
  • Introduced 311 of new rubber tappers to the rubber industry through Tapping Training Schools.
  • Trained 1383of semi skilled and unskilled rubber tappers in the smallholder sector to prevent  unsatisfactory harvesting of latex.
  • Solved technology adoption problems in 999 of smallholdings through special group advisory and extension programmes called – Vihidum Sathkara.
  • 72  of medium scale rubber estates (10-50Ac) were inspected and assisted in productivity improvement activities.
  • Relevant assistance for 1394  farmers through  individual advisory visits were provided to solve field level farmer problems on their requests.
  • Development activities for selected smallholdings and processing centers were conducted through participatory approach and successful cases were identified for publicity among rubber farmers as “models” in different areas. ( Immature models -130/Mature Models – 119/Model Smoke Houses -56)
  • Introduced  a “para extension service” with village youth and  trained  02  youth on   contour lining  and other preliminary works of rubber cultivation.
  • Promotion of farmers for  intercropping  was carried out through establishment of 32 smallholdings with different intercrops.
  • Constructed 52 new smoke houses including one day drying systems for processing of quality rubber.
  • Rehabilitated 478  of both mature & immature rubber smallholdings to improve the productivity.
  • 22 smallholdings were fixed with rain guards as models in different areas.
  • A selected village was developed up to a satisfactory level  in a participatory manner as a model rubber village.


  • Conducted awareness programmes on aspects of general rubber cultivation, maintenance and processing for 2546 of rubber farmers.
  • Solved technology adoption problems in 2301 of smallholdings through special group advisory and extension programmes called – Vihidum Sathkara
  • Three villages were identified to develop as model rubber villages through participatory approach


Training & Advisory

TTS  Tapping Training School
TSDP Tapping Skill Development Programme
NS Nipunatha Saviya
VS Vihidum Sathkara – for Small holdings
MVS “Mega” Vihiduma Sathkara –for Medium scale Rubber holdings
EA  Erabumata Athwelak
WRD White Root Disease control programme
AWP Awareness Programme
QRSS Quality Improvement of RSS
  1. Transfer of Technologies developed by the RRISL to improve the productivity of all stakeholders of the Rubber Smallholder sector
    1. Participatory development of Model rubber holdings.
    2. Participatory development of  model rubber processing  centers.
    3. Promotion of rain guard fixing.
    4. Promotion of soil conservation practices   and soil fertility management.
    5. Construction, rehabilitation & modification  of  new and sub-standard  rubber processing centers
    6. Promotion of area- specific intercropping and mixed cropping systems.
    7. Promotion of fertilizer application for mature rubber as a short term strategy for productivity improvement.
    8. Rehabilitation of substandard immature rubber holdings.
    9. Participatory development of “Forward March” model rubber villages.
  2. Advisory programmes to promote selected technology packages for productivity improvement and to solve technology adoption problems of all stake holders of the Rubber smallholder sector.
    1. Advisory visits in  rubber growing areas. (pre-planned )
    2. Advisory visits on  requests of stake holders.
    3. “Vihidum Sathkara”  centrally planned special  group advisory and extension programmes.
  3. Human Resource Development of all stake holders of   the  rubber  smallholder sector
    1. Awareness Raising Programmes    in rubber growing areas.
    2. Plantation management training programmes for medium level rubber growers and relevant stakeholders.
    3. Mobile Tapper Training Schools
    4. Skill Development Programmes for semi-skilled rubber tappers.
    5. Quality improvement of RSS
    6. Training programmes on identification, control and eradication of White root disease.
    7. “Nipunatha Saviya”  special extension   programmes to  avoid/prevent  indiscriminately exploitation of rubber trees by smallholders.
    8. “Training of village youth” as para extension service personal on  land preparation, lining and soil conservation aspects.
    9. In-service training programmes for rubber extension officers.
  4. Research on Extension and  socio economic aspects of the rubber smallholder sector for effective Planning of  extension programmes
    1. Farmer participatory rural appraisal programmes.
    2. Socio economic surveys.
    3. Management of information systems and development of data bases & Geo data bases.
    4. Need based analysis for effective programme modifications.
    5. Introduction and facilitation of possible avenues for productivity improvements.


Awareness Raising Programmes

Awareness Raising Programmes


Training Programs

Two types of training programs are conducted by the ASD for rubber growers


Centralized farmer Training programs

  1. Nursery management and bud grafting training for selected nursery owners and bud grafters
  2. Advance training on rubber cultivation and plantation management for medium scale rubber growers
  3. Advance training on rubber cultivation and processing for rubber growers in non traditional areas
(Above training programs are conducted at the Training Centre, Nivitigalakele, Matugama.  Accommodation facilities are available for 30 participants).

Training Centre –Niitigalakele, Matugama

Decentralized Training Programs

  • TTS   – As a solution to the tapper shortage ,new latex extractors are introduced through   Tapping Training Schools. (TTS).  (10 half days training classes are arranged on request).
  • TSD - To upgrade the knowledge & skills levels of semi –skilled latex extractors. (2 half days classes are arranged on request).
  • QRSS - Quality improvement of RSS produced in the smallholder sector – (01 full day training session are arranged on request).
  • Awareness programmes - Training and awareness raising on recommended technologies for productivity improvement – (01 full day training workshops are arranged on request).
  • WRD - Regional level training programs on white root disease control - (01 full day training workshops are arranged on request).
  • VS/MVS– Centrally planned special group advisory & extension    programme (01 full day group advisory visits are arranged )
  • NS - Educate the importance of adhering the RRI recommendations on tapping to avoid/prevent indiscriminate exploitation of rubber trees for a selected group of 40-60 including the medium scale growers, owner tappers, key tappers and supervising level personals.(01 full day training programmes are arranged )
  • Rainguard – to introduce & popularize Rainguard technology as a short term strategy to increase the productivity
  • Awareness programmes for Processing Centre owners – To demonstrate the value of adopting recommended practices to improve the product quality of RSS & to obtain maximum economic returns.


  • Dissanayake, D.M.A.P., Gunaratne, P.K.K.S., Wijesuriya, Wasana. (2014). Use of Farmer Awareness Level on Rubber Related Activities for Effective Technology Transfer in Traditional Rubber Growing Areas.  SLCARP International Agricultural Research Symposium 2014, SLCARP, Sri Lanka.
  • D.M.A.P. Dissanayake, R.A.D. Ranawaka, P.K.K.S. Gunarathna, A.H. Kularatne and K.G.P. Manahari (2014). Status of medium scale rubber plantations in Kegalle, Kandy and Matale districts and strategies for productivity improvement.  5th symposium on PCR.
  • L. Samarappuli1, W. Wijesuriya, D. M. A. P. Dissanayake, S. B. Karunaratne  and H. M. L. K. Herath (2014). Land Suitability for Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in Moneragala District. Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka: 2014 – Vol. 3 – No. 1 : 48-61.
  • Wijesuriya, Wasana,  J.K.S. Sankalpa, S.B. Karunaratne, D.M.A.P. Dissanayake, P.W. Jeewanthi and O.V. Abeywardene. (2014). Identifying Rainfall and Drought Dynamics Using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI): An Application in Non-traditional Rubber Growing Areas in Eastern, North Central and Northern Provinces of Sri Lanka.  5th symposium on PCR.

ASD renders following services to Rubber Smallholders free of charge

  • Quality improvement of RSS production (DRC adjustment, acids solution preparation, correcting rolling defects, sheet drying, smoking and grading will be covered).
  • Remedial measures for plant nutrient deficiencies (Soil conservation practices, identification of nutrient deficiencies, site- specific fertilizer recommendations)
  • Advisory Works on latex exploitation systems (Tapping panel marking, correction of tapping panels, Introduction of latex stimulation techniques)
  • Identification and control of diseases (Site visits will be available on request)
  • Awareness programs on rubber cultivation for O/L students in government schools (One day programs will be available on request at regional level)
  • Preparation of fertilizer mixture and application of fertilizer  (Demonstration programs are available on request)
  • Introduction of  soil conservation  practices for soil fertility management (Advisory visits on establishment of cover crops, mulching and terracing available on request)

Two types of training programs are conducted by the ASD for rubber growers

Centralized farmer Training programs

  • Nursery management and bud grafting training for selected nursery owners and bud grafters
  • Advance training on rubber cultivation and plantation management for medium scale rubber growers
  • Advance training on rubber cultivation and processing for rubber growers in non traditional areas

(Above training programs are conducted at the Training Centre, Nivitigalakele, Matugama.  Accommodation facilities are available for 32 participants).

Decentralized Training Programs

  • Mobile Latex Extraction Officer Training Schools  – (10 full days training classes are arranged on request).
  • Skill development of Rubber Latex Extraction Officers  – (3 half days classes are arranged on request).
  • Quality improvement of RSS produced in the smallholder sector  – (01 full day training session are arrange on request).
  • Training and awareness raising on recommended technologies for productivity improvement - (01 full day training workshops are arrange on request).
  • Regional level training programs on white root disease control - (01 full day training workshops are arranged on request).

For Information

  • Call 1919

Contact Info

  • Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
  • Dartonfield, Agalawatta. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427