Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Plantation and Community Infrastructure

Dartonfield Group

Dartonfield Estate where the main Institute is located is a part of the Dartonfield Group comprising, the Dartonfield Estate (74.3 ha) Galewatta Estate (184.4 ha) adjoining the latter and Nivithigalakale (73.2 ha). Of the total area of 331.9 ha the extent is in tapping, giving a mean yield of about 1000kg/ha annually with the highest yield produced from Kuruwita, and lowest, Dartonfield Estate. Rain guarding has enabled crop increases of 10- 15%. Shortage of tappers has led to reduction of the tapping intensity in Galewatta to d/3 and the same system is to be extended to the other Divisions too. More than 755 ha of the mature rubber consists of clones PB 86, RRIC 100 and RRIC 121, and mixed areas of the three. New clones are being introduced now to the replanting programme. The total immature extent is 47.5 ha and bulk of the balance area is occupied by nurseries, buildings and uncultivable (rocky areas).

The factory located at Dartonfield was set up to manufacture crepe rubber only, until 2015. However, RSS manufacture too is now being done to exploit the advantage of prevailing higher RSS prices.

The feasibility of ethrel stimulation and S/2 d/4tapping for meeting the tapper shortage and reducing the cost of production should be considered. A highly accelerated replanting programmes especially with the modern, high yielding clones should enable pushing up yields in the future, and RRI management must endeavour to make the Dartonfield Group, model estates with yields well above the national average.

Research Sub-Stations at Nivitigalakele (Matugama), Kuruwita, Polgahawela and Moneragala essentially provide experimental land and other facilities covering several agro-ecological zones.

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Contact Info

  • Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
  • Dartonfield, Agalawatta. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427