Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Plantation and Community Infrastructure

Monaragala Sub-Station

The Moneragala Substation of the RRI  (Low Country Intermediate Zone) located by the Moneragala Buttala Main Road was established in 2006 to cater to the R&D needs relating to the expansion of rubber to the non-traditional areas, particularly Moneragala and Ampara Districts. It is 25 ha in extent planted with 2000 budwood plants of various clones in nurseries. Some demonstrations of intercropping rubber with sugarcane, banana, cinnamon, pomegranate and rambuttan too have been established, and together with some clonal and pathological trials cover about 10 ha. A young budding nursery is established annually to provide plants for research. An agro-well provides adequate water for the sub-station inclusive of crop irrigation needs. The building consists of an Auditorium, Office and the rooms for overnight stay. Various training programmes are conducted here by the RRI. However, absence of residential staff is a serious shortcoming. At least one EO should be appointed to carry out the experiments. This will reduce the need for visits from Dartonfield which are costly.

Monaragala Sub-Station
Postal Address Kubukkana, Monaragala
Telephone 055 - 3600707

For Information

  • Call 1919

Contact Info

  • Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
  • Dartonfield, Agalawatta. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427